My name is Joel Liss, a filmmaker, and playwright based out of Ithaca, NY. I usually write with Joshua Stein. We love to make entertainment that's as strange as it is thoughtful.
I’ve long wanted to work in film and television. I learned how to format screenplays in sixth grade so I could write a short film just like the pros do it. I shot the project that summer in the public park next to my house. After that, I never stopped shooting. I was heavily involved in Tryka Film Coalition, run by the nonprofit Imagination Stage. It was an incredible environment where I learned how much of a community effort the creative process truly is. I joined the executive board as Director of Outreach, where I was able to push for diversity within the organization.
The Park School of Communications at Ithaca College (Class of Dec 22') gave me further opportunities to immerse myself in the creative process. I’ve immersed myself in the production process from start to finish; writing, directing, gaffing, editing, and producing several shorts in my three years there. I served as one of two student managers for the technical operations team, allowing me to gain hands-on knowledge of every single piece of equipment you’ll find on set. Alongside Joshua Stein, I created and produced Wormhole, an original science-fiction comedy series produced for Ithaca College Television. As a showrunner, I managed a team of 6 producers, 13 writers, 6 video editors, 3 sound editors, and 2 VFX artists - while also occupying the roles of co-star, co-director, and set electrician. We also produced Road Kill, an original horror-comedy set in the world of standup. That project is currently making the rounds at festivals.